Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Change of Plans

Tuesday, June 8
I'm soaking in memories here. Memories that are going to last forever, I know it.
Last Tuesday we were supposed to paint at Onesimo but i didn't work out. We got a text on the way there that said we couldn't go anymore... we had to change plans. Initially I was frustrated, because I waited all day yesterday for this opportunity. But, then the boys found another ministry opportunity. So we (Joel, some Bagong Nayon youth, and I) went and hung out with kids (yay!). We had an amazing time. We were there for what seemed like forever waiting on kids - the boys threw rocks down the cliff and Joel taught me Tagalog. When the kids showed up we sang songs, told a story, played games, and had a merienda. Robin sang and danced for them while Marc showed them some magic tricks.
There was a sweet little boy named John Paul that just clung on me. He was shy at first but I cracked his shell and he jumped all over me and smiled and had a fantastic time. The kids took our hands and walked us around everywhere. I wish I had more than 2 hands because there were multiple kids hanging all over me and I wanted them all. I almost always had John Paul on one hand and Jules on the other with a little girl grabbing my leg. It was very tiring but I wouldn't trade that day for anything. I tried jackfruit and it was so good. Then we went to Aldean's to eat and I met his family. He gets to see his nieces and nephews all the time and it makes me jealous sometimes, haha.

The boys with a gorgeous view behind them.
Robin, Joel, Marc and Rohmar

When Aldean arrived the kids surrounded him.
They love him! It was a lot of fun to watch!
John Paul is in blue and the boy with the huge smile is Jules.

I love it

Marc and Robin are exhausted and can't keep up with our energy.
Taking a break at the top of the hill. John Paul is still on me :)

Continuously on this trip I'm learning to soak in the little moments... to make myself aware of the ministry opportunities around me... to lighten up and enjoy what's happening...

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